Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


       Any one missing flashdisc, to trust a take to Rifqi.
       For more information, contact Rifqi or chairman class.
                                                                                               M.Rifqi Al Jauhary

Minggu, 01 Februari 2009


Hello World,

My name is Muhammad Rifqi Al Jauhary. I live in Golokan village. I was born in Gresik on 1 March 1996. My hobby is playing basketball. My phone number is 031 77410183. My best friend is Muh. Ihwan Abdillah and Andini Tri Indah Sari. Aab live in Tanjung Sari village, and Andin live in Sekapuk village.

I live with my parents. My father is Moh.Chabib and my mother is Rahmatul Illiyah,S.Pd.I. I have one brother. His name is Hubbabul Anbiyak. My uncle is Sholihuddin,S.Pd. He teaches in SMP N 3 Sidayu. And her wife is Zakiyatul Fuadah. She is a housewife.

I live in Golokan village. My house is good with white floor and hall. My home is my paradise.